Martin von Willebrand and Mikko-Pekka Partanen write on Open Source Software Package Review for businesses in the recently published issue of International Free and Open Source Softare Law Review (IFOSSLR).
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Best Lawyers issues outstanding rankings for HH Partners
Best Lawyers has published its 2010 rankings of Finnish lawyers. Half of the partners of HH Partners were included in the rankings. "HH Partners has performed outstandingly in rankings, since our establishment. It reflects our firm’s long terms commitment to fostering and growing our knowledge.
Read MoreRankings of HH Partners’ experts
Lawyers of HH Partners have been well represented in international publications that rate business law firms. We have gathered here updated information regarding the quotes concerning our lawyers in various ranking publications. The information has been grouped by expert. The update was made in June 2010.
Read MoreMarkku Korvenmaa appointed as partner
Markku Korvenmaa was appointed as a partner of HH Partnersin starting on 1 August 2009. Markku has served our firm since 2001 – apart of being trained on the bench during 2002-2003. His daily tasks include litigation, management of bankruptcy estates and general corporate law.
Read MoreHH Partners joins FOSSBazaar
HH Partners has joined FOSSBazaar, a working group of Linux Foundation. FOSSBazaar is an open community of technology and industry leaders who are collaborating to accelerate adoption of free and open source software in the enterprise. Specifically, FOSSBazaar aims to:
Read MoreLex Nokia enters into force in June 2009
Employers allowed to monitor employees’ email and internet browsing information As a result of the enforcement of the Act on Protection of Privacy in Electronic Communications (516/2004) (hereinafter the “APPEC”) in 2004, which implemented the directive 2002/58/EC, and whereby the regime applicable to telecom operators was extended to cover also companies and other corporate and association subscribers, Finland has had one of the strictest privacy legislations.
Read MoreHH Partners advised MySQL AB
HH Partners advised MySQL AB in preparation for an initial public offering or possible trade sale. We adivsed MySQL as regards corporate, intellectual property and labour law matters. The firm was sold to Sun Microsystems, Inc:ille with a deal published on 15 January 2008.
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