Meet the HH Partners team at Mindtrek 2017 (September 20th – 21st at Tampere Hall)

Mindtrek, an international technology conference, is held yearly in Tampere. Mindtrek 2017 is organized at Tampere Hall Congress and Concert Centre from Wednesday 20th to Thursday 21st September. In addition to sponsoring Mindtrek, HH Partners is also hosting a stand at the Exhibition Area (stand 31), where you can meet our team. HH Partners team […]

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HH Partners team at Mindtrek 2016

HH Partners took part in the international Mindtrek conference held in Tampere, Finland, from 17th to 19th October 2016, sponsoring the event together with Validos ry. Having established its place in the vanguard of Finnish tech events, Mindtrek attracts each year participants from dozens of countries all over the world to network and to check […]

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Breakfast seminar on May 18, 2016: Using open source in the enterprise

HH Partners Attorneys-at-law Ltd in collaboration with Cybercom and Black Duck Software will organize a joint breakfast seminar on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 concerning e.g. the following topics:
– The state of open source software
– Open source compliance in the enterprise
– How to identify and manage security risks in open source
– Open source usage at Cybercom

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Article: Legal tools in creation of an open source business

The legal rules often play a key role when it comes to business models in software businesses and notably in free and open source software projects. This is particularly true when the project owner wants to maintain some level of control over the software and the project itself. The balance between control and freedom is achieved by legal tools and policies, such as licenses, compliance policies, contracts, trademarks, organization rules, contribution policies, only to name a few.

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HH Partners participating at OK Festival and Openmind 2012

HH Partners supports OK Festival and particularly Openmind 2012 which is this year organised as a topic stream within OK Festival. OK Festival venue is the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture at Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki. Come and meet us on Openmind days on 18 and 19 September. Meet us at our stand or in HACK cinema 1!

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Article: Legal tools in creation of an open source business

Martin von Willebrand, a partner at HH Partners writes on: Use of Legal Tools in Creation of an Open Source Project and Business Model The legal rules often play a key role when it comes to business models in software businesses and notably in free and open source software projects. This is particularly true when the project owner wants to maintain some level of control over the software and the project itself. The balance between control and freedom is achieved by legal tools and policies, such as licenses, compliance policies,contracts, trademarks, organization rules, contribution policies, only to name a few.

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