Welcome back Anna-Sofia Toivettula

Our associate lawyer Anna-Sofia Toivettula has returned from her study leave and rejoined our team. We are pleased to announce that during her study leave, she completed an LL.M. in European Business Law at the Lund University. The degree covered topics such as European Union internal market law, competition law and more practical courses, for example on mergers and acquisitions. Anna-Sofia wrote her master’s thesis on the freedom of establishment of companies in the internal market of the EU.

We asked Anna-Sofia about her experience completing the LL.M. degree.

“I was very pleased to have the opportunity to complete the LL.M. degree. Studying in English has developed my language skills, and completing an international degree has taught me to view legal issues from a broader perspective.

It was great to return to HH Partners. At HH Partners, I advise clients particularly on mergers and acquisitions and on corporate and contract law.”

Welcome back Anna-Sofia!