HH Partnersin juristit ovat olleet hyvin edustettuina kansainvälisissä julkaisuissa, jotka vertailevat liikejuridiikkaan erikoistuvia asianajotoimistoja. Tähän olemme keränneet päivitetyn tiedon asiantuntijoidemme maininnoista eri ranking-julkaisuissa. Tiedot on ryhmitetty asiantuntijoittain. Viimeisimmän päivityksen ajankohta on kesäkuu 2010.
- Eero Kajander
- Esa Korkeamäki
- Markku Korvenmaa
- Arto Kukkonen
- Jari Nikupaavola
- Taina Tuohino
- Alf-Ole Wanamo
- Martin von Willebrand
Eero Kajander
Eero on tunnettu riita-asioihin keskittyvästä praktiikastaan, jota PLC Which Lawyer (2010) suosittelee (”recommended”). Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Eeron kategoriassa real estate and construction.
“Eero Kajander advises on real estate matters at HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd, boasting over 30 years’ experience in the Finnish market. The well-known arbitrator is at ease in high-level construction or property-related disputes, and acts for both domestic and international investors and developers.” (Legal 500, 2010)
Esa Korkeamäki
Asiakkaiden ohella myös luokitteluja tekevät julkaisut ovat panneet merkille Esan korkealuokkaisen osaamisen. PLC Which Lawyer (2010) suosittelee (”recommended”) Esaa kategorioissa intellectual property, life sciences (corporate & commercial) sekä life sciences (intellectual property). Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Esan kategoriassa intellectual property.
Best Lawyers (2010) noteeraa Esan kategoriassa intellectual property (copyright, trademark), Chambers (2010) kategoriassa intellectual property (Tier 2) ja Expert Guides (2010) kategorioissa patent law practitioners ja trade mark law practitioners.
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd impresses due to the acknowledged expertise of Esa Korkeamäki, who has a high profile in the market. Korkeamäki is acting for a well-known car manufacturer in a potentially precedent-setting case before the Finnish Supreme Administrative Court concerning trade mark law.” (Legal 500 2010)
”This niche firm is reputed for its in-depth expertise in IP. Dispute resolution comprises a predominant share of the firm’s IP work, and the group often litigates for clients in the pharmaceutical sector. Esa Korkeamäki leads the team and has recently acted on a number of complex patent litigation cases. He is also known for his copyright and trade mark work for advertisement agencies. According to interviewees, Korkeamäki “is an expert and has the broad knowledge to act on all types of IP cases.” (Chambers 2010)
Markku Korvenmaa
HH Partnersin tuoreimman osakkaan, Markun, laaja-alainen praktiikka on jo saanut mainintoja kansainvälisessä vertailussa. Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Markun kategorioissa dispute resolution sekä maritime and transport.
“The varied and extensive caseload at HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd included advice to an international engineering company in a dispute with a well-known bank concerning on-demand bonds. Markku Korvenmaa is much in demand, as is Jari Nikupaavola.” (Legal 500 2010)
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd advises a number of clients from the transport sector, including a well-known car manufacturer. Markku Korvenmaa and Martin von Willebrand acted for a provider of broker services in the shipping industry in a Court of Appeal dispute concerning the commission of services.” (Legal 500 2010)
Arto Kukkonen
Arton praktiikka on saanut kansainvälistä tunnustusta erityisesti verotukseen liittyvien toimeksiantojen osalta. PLC Which Lawyer (2010) suosittelee (“recommended”) Artoa kategoriassa tax. Myös Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Arton verotuksen kategoriassa. Best Lawyers (2010) noteeraa hänet kategoriassa litigation – tax ja Experts Guides (2010) kategoriassa tax advisers.
Arto hoitaa paljon erityyppisiä toimeksiantoja, mikä näkyy myös vertailuissa. Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Arton myös kategoriassa banking and finance.
“Managing partner Arto Kukkonen at HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd is a high-profile lawyer with strong relationships with a number of significant financial houses, including a major Swedish bank.” (Legal 500 2010)
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd’s managing partner Arto Kukkonen has noteworthy expertise in tax matters, but is not as active in this field as in previous years. He is best known as an arbitrator and litigator in general commercial matters, being the first Finnish lawyer to appear before the ECJ.” (Legal 500 2010)
Jari Nikupaavola
Jarin arvostettu praktiikka keskittyy riita-asioihin, ja Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee hänet kategoriassa dispute resolution.
“The varied and extensive caseload at HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd included advice to an international engineering company in a dispute with a well-known bank concerning on-demand bonds. Markku Korvenmaa is much in demand, as is Jari Nikupaavola.” (Legal 500 2010)
Taina Tuohino
Tainan laaja-alaisen praktiikan arvostuksesta kertovat hyvät sijoitukset monissa eri kategorioissa. Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Tainan kategorioihin TMT sekä corporate & M&A. Tainan praktiikka on saanut tunnustusta (“recommended”) PLC Which Lawyerin (2010) vertailussa kategorioissa tax sekä outsourcing. Who’s Who Legal (2010) puolestaan noteeraa Tainan kategoriassa internet & e-commerce.
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd fields a busy team of technology and e-commerce specialists at partner level, including Martin von Willebrand, who advised a global name in the technology sector in contractual and contentious matters. Taina Tuohino is regular Finnish counsel to a leading US-based internet company.” (Legal 500 2010)
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd has a strong practice, acting as general counsel to a number of international and large domestic clients, including a global oil company, advising it on distribution issues. Taina Tuohino and Martin von Willebrand are active in this field.” (Legal 500 2010)
Alf-Ole Wanamo
Alf-Olen praktiikka kattaa lukuisia oikeudenaloja, ja niinpä hän on saanut tunnustusta eri kategorioissa. Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Alf-Olen kategoriassa EU & competition. Chambers (2010) sijoittaa Alf-Olen kategoriassa TMT (Tier 3).
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd complements an active corporate practice with the necessary capability in antitrust work, as well as advising some high-profile clients on contentious competition issues. Partner and commercial law all-rounder Alf-Ole Wanamo advises in this area.” (Legal 500 2010)
”This compact firm is known for its work on IT and media cases. Its clients include various Finnish and international IT houses and associations. In addition, the team has experience handling a variety of matters in the telecommunication sector. The lawyers are recognised for their practical approach and good commercial understanding. IT expert Alf-Ole Wanamo has an impressive in-house background, including working in many market-leading technology businesses. Martin Von Willebrand is also a well-regarded IT expert and a successful deal maker.” (Chambers 2010)
Martin von Willebrand
Martin, yksi HH Partnersin nuorista osakkaista, on jo saanut useita mainintoja kansainvälisissä vertailuissa. PLC Which Lawyer (2010) suosittelee (”recommended”) Martinia kategorioissa telecommunications ja outsourcing. Legal 500 (2010) mainitsee Martinin kategoriassa TMT, corporate & M&A sekä maritime and transport. Chambers (2010) puolestaan mainitsee hänet kategoriassa TMT (Tier 3).
Best Lawyers (2010) noteeraa Martinin kategorioissa technology ja information technology, Expert Guides (2010) kategoriassa technology, media & telecommunications lawyers (information technology) ja Who’s Who Legal (2010) kategoriassa internet & e-commerce.
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd fields a busy team of technology and e-commerce specialists at partner level, including Martin von Willebrand, who advised a global name in the technology sector in contractual and contentious matters.” (Legal 500 2010)
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd has a strong practice, acting as general counsel to a number of international and large domestic clients, including a global oil company, advising it on distribution issues. Taina Tuohino and Martin von Willebrand are active in this field.” (Legal 500 2010)
“HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd advises a number of clients from the transport sector, including a well-known car manufacturer. Markku Korvenmaa and Martin von Willebrand acted for a provider of broker services in the shipping industry in a Court of Appeal dispute concerning the commission of services.” (Legal 500 2010)
”This compact firm is known for its work on IT and media cases. Its clients include various Finnish and international IT houses and associations. In addition, the team has experience handling a variety of matters in the telecommunication sector. The lawyers are recognised for their practical approach and good commercial understanding. IT expert Alf-Ole Wanamo has an impressive in-house background, including working in many market-leading technology businesses. Martin Von Willebrand is also a well-regarded IT expert and a successful deal maker.” (Chambers 2010)