Ranking-katsaus, helmikuu 2010: immateriaalioikeudet ja teknologia

Tätä katsausta varten on kerätty tiedot ranking-vertailuja tekevien julkaisujen nettisivuilta helmikuussa 2010 (osalla julkaisuista on vielä 2009 tiedot).


“Market sources praise this firm for its proficiency in a broad variety of matters, from patent litigation, trade mark and domain name matters to copyright issues.–” (Chambers Europe 2009)

HH Partnersin asiantuntemus on noteerattu erityisesti teknologiaoikeuden ja immateriaalioikeuden aloilla. Esimerkiksi PLC Which Lawyer (2009) antaa toimistollemme vahvan suosituksen (“highly recommended”) IP-oikeuksien alalla.

Chambers Europe (2009) kuvaa toimistoamme seuraavasti:

“Although best known for its IP practice, this firm is also highly thought of for its small yet strong IT and telecoms practice, which assists a number of domestic and international IT and telecoms companies with a wide range of TMT matters. Sources single out Alf-Ole Wanamo and Martin von Willebrand as the firm’s most visible IT experts, and say that both deserve praise for their experience of the field. The group is particularly applauded for its transactional IT work, and clients benefit from several team members’ experience as in-house lawyers at IT companies.”